March 2016 General Meeting Minutes

TUESDAY MARCH 1st 2016  


MASTER GARDNER: Eileen Hughes and Heather Chambers provided an introduction to Insects In The Garden. This year at our meetings, the Master Gardeners will present a series of talks on beneficial and problem insects.

GUEST SPEAKER:   Heather Grassie did a slide show presentation which accompanied her talk on the planting, care and storage of Canna Lilies.


CALL TO ORDER: The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:45 pm and welcomed all. She explained, for the benefit of new members, the bulletin board, Master Gardeners table, lucky draw table, refreshment table, name tags, sign in book, and door prize

LOCATION:   Minden Community Centre
CHAIR:            President, Mary Jane Irwin
ATTENDANCE: There were 28 in attendance today and Sue Sisson reported that our membership is now at 56.

MINUTES:      Moved by Margaret Giles                 Seconded by Anne Brown              “That the minutes of the February 6th General Meeting be adopted as circulated” CARRIED
In the absence of the Secretary, Margaret Giles was Acting Secretary today.


FINANCIAL REPORT: In the absence of the Treasurer, Mary Jane stated that the bank balance at the end of February was $2643.63


 EXCURSIONS – Susan Sheehan reported that she is looking into an excursionin early June.  More information to follow.

FLOWER SHOW – Margaret Giles asked the members to keep in mind when decorating our own properties with container planting, that we could use some of the extra planters as decorations at the Flower Show. Please be prepared to name all plants.

LIBRARY & BULLETIN BOARD – Izabel Janca will get the new book list to Nancy to distribute to new members. All books are colour coded. Please use the sign-out book when borrowing books. You may borrow books for as long as you wish.

T-SHIRTS & CARDS & PINS – Elinor Kernohan reported that a new list is being circulated for t-shirt orders and pins are always available from her for $5.00. Elinor will send a card to Margaret Graham who is moving to the Hamilton area.

VILLAGE GREEN – Liz Case asked volunteers to sign up for one week, on the clip board being passed around, for maintenance of the Village Green this year. There are 22 weeks to fill. She reminded members that the work can be done any time that is convenient during their week


 District 4 Spring Get Together – This year is March 12th at 1:00pm in Peterborough. Mary Jane, Margaret Giles, Elinor Kernohan, Elaine Smith and maybe Anica will be attending.

District 4 Annual General Meeting – Is April 2nd in Ennismore and will be a full day event. The society will pay the registration fee for anyone wishing to attend. So far, Mary Jane, Isabel and maybe Elinor plan to attend. All others are welcome.

February Executive Meeting Report – Mary Jane reported that a request was received to sell goods at the Flower Show. Due to the policy established last year, the request was declined by the executive.

Policy RE: Flower Show Displays/Sales by Wholesale, Retail, Artisans

Anything displayed must match the theme of the show (Carnival of Colours 2016). Displays are limited to members only. Items are for display only; no sales may take place at the show. However, business cards may be placed with the items.

We will check with District 4 to establish if they award 35 year service pins before our society decides whether we will award 35 year pins in addition to 10 and 20 years.

A suggestion that we sell society memberships from a store on Minden’s main street was denied; we want people to come to attend our meetings not just pay for a membership.


Goldenbrook Hostas – is located in Blackstock and offering tours, speakers, and the sale of hostas. Susan Sheehan is looking into a tour. There is more information on the Bulletin Board.

Canadian Master Gardeners – Conference at Deerhurst on April 8-10 can be attended by anyone. You do not have to be a Master Gardener.

Wall Flower Studio – Karen Sloan is offering workshops on painting and making fairy furniture. See details on the Bulletin Board.


Communities in Bloom – Eric Casper who is a member of the municipal Parks & Arena staff did a slide presentation explaining how Communities in Bloom works. He requested the Horticultural Society’s involvement if Minden Hills decides to participate this year. Participation is contingent on

Municipal Council’s decision to go ahead. Eric will let us know what Council decides.

Door Prize – Mary Jane Irwin won the door prize.

ADJOURNMENT – Moved by Rose Paliwoda
“That the meeting be adjourned”   Time – 3:45pm

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