April 2019 General Meeting Minutes

Minden and District Horticultural Society General Meeting
Minden Community Centre
Tuesday April 2, 2019, 1 P.M
  1. Call to Order by President Sharon Ireland at 1 p.m.
  2. Master Gardener Talk: Liz Case introduced newly- minted Master Gardener, Deb Barnhart who spoke on Wild Leeks, Allium Tricoccum, a member of the lily family and a spring ephemeral.   With renewed interest in foraging, she emphasized careful harvesting from the wild. Take only 25% of a patch of bulbs and leaves or just one of the two leaves to allow the patch to spread.  Overall,a very nutritious spring tonic vegetable.
  3. Guest Speaker: Julia Donnolly introduced M.J. Pilgrim, a Master Gardener and President of the Peterborough Horticultural Society. Her topic: “Basic Botany: A Little Latin and a Plant’s Family Tree”.M.J. Presented a scientific detailed analysis of plant classification, a system developed by Carl Von Linne who standardized the classifications. The Latin names are universal and accurately identify a plant that can be known by several common names.M.J. Offered tips on learning, remembering and tagging your plants.  As well as being educated in nomenclature, Members enjoyed amusing “intermissions” and intermittent pop quizzes kept us on our toes.  M.J. Pilgrim brought tickets for the Peterborough Garden Show for sale by M.J. Irwin ($10). Tickets are also available at the door or online.
  4.  Break: Chocolate Choices! And a package of pollinator seeds was awarded to those who“lugged a mug.”
  1. Minutes of March 5, 2019: As there were no errors or omissions, Secretary Dorothy McIntyre moved that they be accepted. Seconded by Larry Parsons. Carried.
  2. Financial Report: Treasurer M.J. Irwin reported a balance of $1,876.43. The $1000.00 provincial grant has been received. This grant is based on membership numbers, although the volunteer hours are also important. Sharon stressed the need for us to grow our membership. Members suggested a name change as the word horticulture could sound intimidating. Omemee Blooms Garden Club is an example of an interesting name. Also our society should be included on the town’s entrance sign as well as the website. The name change idea has been discussed and can be further addressed at executive meetings. The issue of signage and website has been discussed with Emily Stonehouse.  The grant from the Legion will arrive soon.  Sandria Garry moved that the financial report be accepted. Seconded by Francis Thivierge Carried.

7. Announcements:
a. We are part of 17 societies in District 4. They have asked if we would host the Fall seminar

next year. Much organizational work is required although the district does some of the work and the Fall event is not as involved as the Spring. Members raised concerns about the construction; perhaps the year later would be safer. Our society has done this before and several members have had experience. Margaret still has the signs. A show of hands indicated enthusiasm for the project.


b. Earth Day April 22 : Please let Sharon know if you have anything planned to support this event. Garden Ontario, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will post events.

c. Seed Exchange: April 6, 10am- 4pm. This event is free and includes a pot luck lunch.

You don’t have to have seeds to attend. There will be vendors there and Wiffletree Nursery will take orders for fruit trees and shrubs. Look for it by the garden centre.

Committee and Events Reports

8. Advertising: Melanie Hevesi is absent but request that members distribute flyers in various locations. Let M.J know where you would post one and she will record the locations. Copies are available at Melanie’s Office at ReMax.

9. Community Gardens: Karen and Kelly. Anne Brown, Linda Ross and Karen Shirley met to crunch numbers for ordering plants for the community gardens. Country Rose was notified and has taken our order for the Durango Red Marigolds and the tall Blue Celosia.
Karen will take the remainder of the plant order to Pine Reflections to ask them if they would order the remaining plants.

The colour theme is Red, blue and green with the colour scheme alternating in the barrels along the street.
Planting date is June 10th

  1. Website; Richard Hevesi is absent however the website has been updated.
  2. Youth Program: Pat Johnson. Two, grade Three Classes from Archie Stouffer School participate for 6 weeks from May 13th to June 18th , 11:15am – 2pm every Tuesday. They learn about soil, worms and grow a sunflower from seed. They plant a 3 Sisters garden (beans, corn, squash). They tour Home Hardware and receive a geranium to grow for a Father’s day gift. The students will also make a mason bee house and butterfly rings. If you would like to volunteer with the children a police Vulnerable Sector Check is required. A Horticultural Society letter will go with the application. Call Pat at 705 286 6440 if you would like to get involved.

12. Mini Garden Competition : Susan Kellar. The first Mini Garden Competition will be at the June 4thmeeting rather than the May 7th meeting to ensure that there will be flowers growing by then and be available for show. So far 30 members have signed up. Karen will have handouts on conditioning flowers and filling out tags at the May meeting.

Master Gardeners could run a workshop and will circulate a sign-up sheet to see if there is enough interest. M.J. will have the new judging books available by the May meeting. Susan stressed the importance of following the rules for your entry to qualify. Eg. Use a clean, clear vase that would showcase the entire flower.

At the June 4th meeting each member will receive 3 voting ballots. The winners will be announced at that meeting.

13. Village Green: Liz Case. Location is beside the C.B.I.C. and the cenotaph garden (managed by M.J.). Liz put out a call for volunteers to do a clean-up 2 weeks before our society’s May 25th plant sale. The Master Gardener plant sale will be at Head Lake Park in Haliburton the next Saturday.
Sharon will have a tent there to promote the Horticultural Society and would welcome interested members to join her.

14. Plant Sale: Anika Sabel. May 25th at the Village Green. Please pot up your plants when thinning your perennials and bring them along. Be sure to label them and note growing requirements. The plant sale is our only fund raiser so participation is important.
Anika brought pots today for those who need them. Please bring any you can spare to the next meeting. Natures Place needs clay pots for planting citronella.

15. T-shirts, Pins and Cards: Barb Millington is away. A Card has been sent to Sandria Garry. Her sister passed away. Sharon offered condolences on behalf of the members.
A card was sent to the Minden Florist that closed recently.

16.  Excursions: Francis Thivierge. An excursion could be planned to the Bobcaygeon Garden tour  for July 13th.

17.  Library: Izabel Janca. There is an online version of the titles on the website

O.H.A., District 4 , Other meetings and Events.

18.  April 6 is the District 4 A.G.M. In Colbourne at the Keeler Centre. Leslie Abrahams is the speaker. Sharon will give an update at the next meeting.

19.  Native Plant Sale, April 14th. See information on the side table.

20.  Town Planting is June 10th.

New Business:

21.  Larry Parsons is offering a walking tour of his trails to view the abundant wild flowers, beautiful and fragrant in the Spring; perhaps mid to late April before the bug season. Larry is also offering members an opportunity to take home a clump of Dutchman’s Breeches to start a colony there.
He can let Sharon know when and where, then she can ask Nancy to send out an email to all members.

There had been some confusion regarding sponsors that offer a discount on garden materials and whether staff there, are aware of the discount. Carolyn will confirm that information.

The prize table has a collection of frogs for flower arranging donated by Ann Cox.
Attendance: Nancy/Susan. 37 and 61 members including two renewals.
Door prize: Susan – Congratulations to M.J. (pruning saw) and Anika (licence plate cover)

22. Motion to adjourn: Rose Paliwada

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