Minutes of General Meeting
Minden & District Horticultural Society
May 1, 2018 at the S. G. Nesbitt Community Centre
Meeting: President Karen Shirley opened the meeting at 7:08 p.m.
Master Gardener: Carolyn Langdon gave a very interesting talk about the many and varied medicinal plants in our own gardens which can be used to treat minor ailments such as St. Johns’ wort as an anti-depressant; the leaf of yarrow and plantain to stop bleeding of minor cuts; sphagnum moss as an absorbent which also contains iodine; juniper and yarrow prevent bacteria; and mullein for cold feet.
Speaker: Dave Kranenberg of Kendall Hills was our guest speaker. He explained how to grow mushrooms and confirmed there are 100,000 identified from millions of species. White mushrooms are grown without light in sterilized sawdust. There are medicinal mushrooms (shiitake, reishi) as well as those that are just plain tasty such as Lion’s mane. He was very knowledgeable and answered many questions regarding mushrooms.
Refreshment Table: President Karen Shirley announced that if you don’t contribute something to the refreshment table, to please make a cash donation to offset costs to purchase the basics.
Break: There was a refreshment break from 8:25 to 8:45 p.m.
Minutes: Moved by Elinor Kernohan Seconded by: Cheryl Parsons
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the April 3rd, 2018 general meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED.
Financial Report: Treasurer MJ Irwin advised that there was a balance of $6,050.80 in our operating account and requested suggestions from the members as to how to best spend some of the funds as we are a non-profit and look for ways to invest funds wisely in the community. She suggested perhaps a bursary of some sort to students who pursue horticulture, but encouraged the members to come up with some ideas as well. A comment from the group was to place a poster up in the school.
Moved by: MJ Irwin Seconded by: Rose Paliwada
BE IT RESOLVED THAT we accept the treasurer’s report as circulated. CARRIED.
Advertising: Melanie advised that a plant sale poster was prepared as well as a public announcement for the May 26th event.
Comm. Gardens: Kelly reported that planting day was June 5th. The colour theme was red and yellow and she had a sign-up sheet for volunteers to plant the different areas and flower beds.
Excursions: Francis had a sign -up sheet for the Bobcaygeon Garden tour on July 14th. The cost was $15.00 and it offered free access to several gardens as well as Settlers’ Village and the Boyd Museum.
Garden Show: We still need a volunteer for this event. MJ agreed to help someone as a co-chair.
Website: Richard had nothing new to report.
Plant Sale: Anica reported that the plant sale was our only fundraiser and encouraged members to dig up excess plants, pot and identify them and bring them to the Village Green for our sale on May 26th. Also to wear your blue T-shirt, if possible.
T-shirts, cards, pins: Barb announced that cards had been sent as follows: Joe Rivers on the death of his wife Gwen Cox, Nancy Garbutt on the death of her son Jay and Jay Roland on the death of his father John. She also reminded everyone that the interment of John Roland was scheduled for June 2nd and that Jay was anxious to see his friends at that time.
Membership: Sue reported that there was now 86 members including 2 new members.
Archives & Library: Izabel was absent.
Youth: There was no report.
OHA, etc: There is a Skills and Awards Celebration meeting in Peterborough on June 13 and the $25.00 cost is paid for by our society for those wishing to attend. There is a lunch and a guest speaker – Paul Defoe – on bio-adversity with native plants. Pins and certificates are given out as well.
Convention: The annual convention is in Kingston July 27 – 29th and Karen and MJ are attending.
Dist. 4 Fall Seminar: The fall seminar will be hosted by Coboconk on October 27th.
Attendance: There were 56 present.
Door Prize: Sheila Zeman won the solar light owl.
Adjourn: Moved by: Richard Hevesi
BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn. Tim 9:20 p.m.