Minden and District Horticultural Society
Minutes of the General Meeting
February 2 2019
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Sharon Ireland called the assembly to order at 12 Noon.
Sharon delivered words of welcome and introduced the head table:
Treasurer MJ Irwin: Secretary Dorothy McIntyre; Ist vice president Julia Donally, guest speaker Andrew Graham from Grahams Farm Market in Minden.
President Sharon Ireland
Thanks to Sandria Garry, our host, for the lovely table settings and arranging the lunch.
Grace was said by Sharon.
Meeting called to order by Sharon Ireland at 1p.m.
Julia Donnelly introduced Andrew Graham/
Andrew described the farm as 65 Acres some wooded. It has existed for about 4 generations since 1860 He explained that he farms organically, using a variety of manures and other natural materials as fertilizer. Worm castings are a large component in the greenhouses. PH levels in the soil are most important so therefore soil testing is done on a regular basis.
Tomatoes are indeterminate and produce all season. He does not keep chickens over the winter and takes that time off. A number of questions from the audience covered seeds, hydroponic gardening,
He stressed again the importance of soil testing and creating the best PH levels (6-8)
Julia thanked him for his talk.
Meeting continued at 1:45
Secretary Dorothy Mcintyre moved that the minutes of the October 2018 minutes be accepted as distributed.
Seconded by Margaret Giles
Treasurer MJ Irwin gave the financial report: 1. operating account $2,033 2. Investment account: $4,196.
MJ Irwin moved that the February 2019 report be accepted as distributed Seconded by Barb Millington
Barb Millington gave a clothing report: t-shirts , hoodies and pins available. Sold: 7 pins , 4 hoodies and 4 t-shirts. Profit, $22.
19 cards sent: 10 sympathy, 5 thinking of you, 3 get well, 1 birthday.
See the booklet for the dates and information for our 3 garden shows.
Upcoming shows are Peterborough, and Canada blooms in March. Notices are on the table. We are looking for an excursion coordinator to assist Francis
Our plant sale is May 25, Master gardeners is June 1.
Planting the town is June 10.
Jean Neville expressed thanks on behalf of the town for our efforts in making the town beautiful. February is the executive meeting at the community room at the OPP building.
District 4 meeting is April 6 in Colborne.
OHA convention is in Windsor.
New Business:
Diane Woodcock from Country Rose Garden Centre spoke about an initiative in creating an information guide for gardeners by collaborating with various groups such as ours. She is calling for gardening tips from members. Proceeds from sale of such a guide would go to the butterfly project or Sirch.
Please submit your ideas to Dianne at hhgardeningenviromentalguide@gmail.com
Sinclair praised the plantings downtown last summer and spoke of ways to draw people into the area. A variety of ideas were offered by the members.
This topic will be discussed at the next executive meeting.
Sharon has set up a Facebook page and asks for postings of photos and stories.
Attendance report: 45 , no new members.
Motion to adjourn: Rose Paliwada